Tuesday, April 26, 2016

5 Month Mark

Hi everyone,

 Today I´ll continue my list of important Spanish words and phrases that they never taught me in my high school Spanish classes:
a ver - it means "Let´s see," "Let me see," "we´ll see" They use it all the time. 

que padre -  "How cool" I don´t know why, but they use padre (father) to mean cool a lot.

así - like that, or like this

The article I mentioned last week is called "The New and Everlasting Covenant" by Elder Marcus B Nash in the December 2015 Ensign or Liahona. 

One of the basic doctrine of the church that we take so much for granted is the knowledge that our families can be together forever. The majority of the people we contact or talk with day to day either have never wondered if their family can last forever, think that an eternal, happy family will just happen automatically, or just don´t believe in eternal families. That honestly makes me so sad. I know that our families can live together forever, but only through the ordinances and covenants available in the temple. Again, like I talked about last week, ordinances and covenants are so important. 

As I´ve listened to all of conference again, (in English this time!) I´ve noticed that they talked a lot about temples and families. It was a little sad at times because I´m not physically with my family right now, but hey, that´s what a missionary is: Someone who leaves their family for a short time so that others can be with their families for all eternity.

I love my family, and I´m so grateful that I´m sealed to them for all time and eternity, and that is the same blessing that I want for all of you and all of these people here in Mexico. 
Love you all!
Hermana Herron

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